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Adopted 5th March 2024 (Amended 29th April 2024)


(Approved by the Governing Council on 5th March 2024)
(Amended – 29th April 2024)


1. The Club shall be known as “The Union Jack Club”.
2. The Union Jack Club’s premises shall be at Sandell Street, Waterloo, London SE1 8UJ or at such other location as the Council (referred to below) shall determine.
3. The Charity’s objectives are specifically restricted to promoting the welfare and ameliorating the condition of serving non-commissioned members of the Regular Forces of the Crown, the spouses / partners and children of such members, and such veteran personnel, their spouses / partners and children, and members of the Reserve and Auxiliary Forces as may be determined by the Council, and with the use and accommodation of such members and veteran of HM Forces as above and of their respective spouses / partners and children under 18, and to provide the Club .

4. The ultimate responsibility for The Union Jack Club and its management rests with the Council of the Union Jack Club (Registered Charity No. 208731), a company limited by guarantee and registered under the Companies Acts under Company Number 80683 (“the Charity”) which owns the Union Jack Club premises. Members of the Council are Trustees and Directors of the Charity.

5. The day-to-day running of The Union Jack Club shall be carried out by the Executive Team who shall be appointed by the Council. The Executive Team shall comprise the Chief Executive, Deputy Chief Executive (DCE) and Club Secretary / Financial Controller and such other new substituted posts as the Council may time determine.

6. The General Committee shall consist of no more than 33 Service Members and no more than five Veteran Members, with the President of the Council, the Vice President, and the Hon Treasurer in attendance. Meetings shall be chaired by the President of the Council (or their absence their Vice-President).

7. The Chief Executive (CEO) and their Deputy shall attend meetings of the General Committee, which shall take place at the Club, no less than three times per calendar year.

8. Members of the General Committee shall be appointed by the DCE for the CEO on advice from the relevant service organisation representative and shall in the case of Service members be representative of all three Services. A nominated from each service will form a trio of “service Whips” who will work alongside the DCE in the administrative management of the General Committee

9. The General Committee shall:

a. Represent the membership of the Club and ensure that members’ views and opinions are made known to the Executive t Team.
b. Advise the Council on Membership Fees, the election of Veteran Members and Veteran Honorary Life Members, and on facilities provided by and charges made by the Club.
c. Advise on whether a member of the Club should be suspended or have their membership cancelled; recommend changes to the General Rules and By-Laws of the Club; and advise on issues of governance and good conduct of the internal affairs of the Club.
d. The members of the General Committee shall make regulations for the conduct of their meetings and business and may determine the number necessary to form a quorum, which shall be eight unless otherwise decided.
e. Represent the Club to membership as an ambassador, participating where practicable in marketing activity to promote the Club to as wide an audience as possible.

10. The Council shall instruct the Chief Executive to ensure that the legislation is enforced relating to Fire Safety, Health and Safety, Food Safety and GDPR.


11. Service Member. All non-commissioned members of the Regular, Reserve and Auxiliary Forces of the Crown and their associated Nursing Services and HM Armed Forces are automatically members of The Union Jack Club (“Service Members”) without written application and without payment of an entrance fee. Whilst they are non-commissioned serving members of HM Armed Forces, new applications will receive a Membership card.

12. Veteran Member. Former members of the Services who leave the Services without having attained commissioned rank and with not less than two years’ service (or such other period as the Council may determine) may apply in writing or online to become members of The Union Jack Club. Where an individual is medically discharged before two years’ service, but has served at least 15 weeks, their election can go through the normal process to the General Committee. Anyone who is medically discharged serving less than 15 weeks must be considered by the General Committee on an individual basis. Applications for members shall be submitted in the form prescribed by the Union Jack Club, together with proof of service / eligibility. Subject to the Council approving recommendation of the General Committee (see below) the applicant shall be come a Veteran Member of The union Jack Club upon payment of the Entrance Fee and Annual Subscription fee, but until such application has been approved or rejected, they shall be a Provisional Veteran Member and entitled to use The Union Jack Club’s facilities as a Veteran Member. Successful applicants will receive a Membership card.

13. Service Leaver. Membership (including spouse / partner) is free for two years from the date of discharge. Proof of service is required on application. Once recorded service ends, Provisional Service Leaver Membership will automatically be applied. Successful applicants will receive a membership card.
14. Spouse / Partner membership. Any Service Member or Veteran Member is entitled to apply for the spouse / partner membership by written or online application on the prescribed form. The application shall contain the details of the Member’s spouse /partner/ spouse / partner Membership shall entitle the Member’s spouse / partner to use the facilities of the Union Jack Club and stay independently of the Member.

15. Children of Members. Members are responsible for their children’s behaviour whilst at the Union Jack Club. Children under 18 years staying at the Union Jack Club must be accompanies throughput their stay by a parent / responsible adult. Children over 18 years of age of a members can stay in the Club without the member, having been paid for by a Member at THM rates, prior to arrival and subject to providing proof of the Member’s membership on arrival.


16. The amount of the Entrance Fee, and Spouse / Partner Membership Subscription (which is for a calendar year) shall be determined by the Council and shall be inclusive of VAT. No refunds can be claimed once the membership fee has been paid. If membership is lapsed, a re-joining fee and full applications will be required.

17. Annual Subscriptions and Spouse / Partner membership subscriptions are due on 1st January annually. Failure to pay will result in suspension or cancellation of membership and associated benefits and permissions.

18. Any Member or Veteran non-member may at any time apply to become a Life Member of the Club by paying the Life Membership fee. This amount will depend upon the age of the Member and if Life Membership is to include the Member’s spouse / partner. The cost is payable upon application and is not refundable. A Life Member remains a member of the Club until the Member (and where applicable the Member’s spouse / partner) resigns membership or dies. Life Membership cannot be inherited.

19. Each Veteran Member and in the case of spouse / partner Membership partner will be issued with a Membership card which must be shown on entering the Club.

20. Honorary Life Members. A Veteran Member who has been a member of the Armed Forces and a member of the Club for a total of 50 years may be elected to Honorary Life Membership of the Club by the Council upon the recommendation of the General Committee. Honorary Life Membership is granted to members of the Council, upon invitation by the President. No Annual subscription is payable by an Honorary Life Member.

21. The Governing Council may award Honorary Life Membership at their discretion upon recommendation by the General Committee.

22. Honorary Life Membership shall be granted by the Club to individual recipients of the Victoria Cross and George Cross, irrespective of rank.

23. Widow / Widower Members. Widows, widowers and long-term partners of deceased Service Members and Veteran Members of the Union Jack Club shall be entitled to apply for membership of the Club in their own name and at any time following the death of their spouse / partner. Membership applications will need to be supported by a death certificate of the member.

24. A widow, widower or long-term partner of a deceased Honorary Life Member shall not be required to pay an Annual Subscription.


25. Temporary Honorary Membership (THM) may be granted to individuals within the below categories along with their spouse / partner and children, subject to availability of accommodation, proof of identity and proof of service on each visit.

a. Veterans below Commissioned rank who are not members of the Union Jack Club.
b. Serving and veteran members of HM Armed Forces of commissioned rank.
c. Children of a member over 18 years can stay in the Club without the Member, having been paid for by the Member and subject to providing proof of member’s membership on arrival.
d. Serving members of the Armed Forces of other countries, NATO or the Commonwealth, or any other friendly nation, of any rank.
e. Widows or widowers of members of HM Armed Forces irrespective of rank who are beneficiaries of the War Pension for spouses or Armed Forces Compensation Scheme (2005) survivors’ guaranteed income., may stay at members’ rates.
f. Individuals who are part of any group which features on the Authorised User List maintained and managed by the Front of House Manager.
g. THMs are entitled to use facilities only during their stay but are not entitled to bring guests into The Union Jack Club, other than family members staying at the same time.


26. The General Rules and Regulations to be observed by users of the Union Jack Club as at today’s date are set out in the attached Annex, a copy which shall be available at the Security Desk and / or viewed or downloaded from the website. They may be varied by the Council.

27. If a Member or THM is in breach of the rules of the Union Jack Club, the Chief Executive is authorised to suspend the individual’s membership. In such circumstances, the Chief Executive will, at the earliest opportunity, refer the suspension to the General Committee who will consider whether to uphold the suspension and remove the individual’s membership or reinstate the individual’s membership and make a recommendation to the Governing Council. The individual member will have the right to state their case in writing prior to the General Committee considering their future membership.

28. Members, guests and TMHs must respect the privacy of others in the Club when taking pictures, filming and/or recording whilst on Club premises. No media canvassing, political, commercial, or otherwise shall be allowed within the Club, (General Conduct rules, paragraph 3). Nor may members use the Club as a location to endorse on any media platform any views that go against the ethos and values that the Club promotes and upholds. In the event of an occurrence see above, para. 27.



1. Admission. Admission to the Union Jack Club will only be allowed with provision of one of the following:

a. Service Personnel – MOD 90, Union Jack Membership Card, spouse/partner of serving enlisted personnel Union Jack Membership Card, Base ID Card, Forces Rail Card and proof their spouse/partner is serving.

b. Veteran Member/ Honorary Life Members - valid Union Jack Club Membership Card or HM Armed Forces Veteran ID card.

c. THMs - proof of Service or eligibility.

d. Meeting Room or Function Guest - name on the relevant guest list.


2. No conduct unbecoming of members or of visitors to The Union Jack Club shall be permitted, to include offensive behaviour to members, guests, staff or to have an adverse impact on The Union Jack Club. Those using The Union Jack Club shall always give due consideration to others.

3. No canvassing, political, commercial, or otherwise, shall be allowed within the Club. Nor may members use The Union Jack Club to sell articles or services.

4. A dress code exists in all public areas of The Union Jack Club. Members and their guests are expected to wear at least casual apparel.

5. The Chief Executive or their representative may require any member offending against the Rules of The Union Jack Club to leave Club premises. The Chief Executive may also suspend a membership of The Union Jack Club and cause their name to be submitted to the Council, following consultation with the General Committee. The Council may decide on suspension from membership for a stated period or expulsion from membership of The Union Jack Club.

6. Guests. Members and spouse / partner Members (but not THMs) of The Union Jack Club may bring up to eight guests each into the Club to use the Food and Beverage facilities at any one time and are responsible for providing their details when requested. Members and Spouse/Partner Members can bring up to four guests to stay and use Union Jack Club bedrooms when the member stays, and they are properly booked into allotted rooms, and charged at the Temporary Honorary Member rate. Members are responsible for the conduct of their guests and for any charges they may incur in The Union Jack Club.

7. Gambling. No gambling shall be permitted in the Union Jack Club.

8. Valuables. The Union Jack Club shall not be liable for loss or damage to personal property. The baggage room is available free of charge; however, The Union Jack Club does not accept liability for any damages or losses. The Baggage Room is a daytime single day storage facility. Should members wish to leave an item for longer than 24hrs, Reception will provide details of the Longer-Term Storage Facility, for which there is a charge.


9. The use of bedrooms requires the first night's charge to be paid in full before arrival and any balance paid on arrival. Bedrooms shall be vacated by 10;00 am (midday at weekends and bank holidays) on the day of departure. Final bills will be charged at the room rate at the time of staying.

10. Bedrooms shall not be booked for a consecutive period exceeding 28 days. There must be a minimum gap of 14 days between each 28 day stay.

11. Bedrooms which have been booked by telephone, email, letter, or on-line and for which a deposit has been paid shall be held until the arrival of the named person.

12. Under no circumstances may a bedroom be used other than by the person booked in to use that room, nor may a bedroom be used by more than the number of persons for which it has been designed.

13. Booking Priority. In the allocation of bedrooms priority is given first to Members, secondly to Temporary Honorary Members. This applies to all advance bookings.

14. Opening Hours. The Union Jack Club premises shall be open each day from 0700hrs until midnight or 30 minutes after the bar has closed if later, after which only those staying in The Union Jack Club shall be admitted, all others shall be required to leave.


15. Alcohol shall only be sold and consumed in those parts of The Union Jack Club licensed for this purpose, and at the times laid down by the Licensing Authority.

16. Alcohol obtained in The Union Jack Club shall not be taken off Club premises.


17. Consumption of Food. Members or guests are not permitted to bring food and other refreshments into The Union Jack Club for consumption in public areas or meeting rooms.

18. Illegal Substances. No illegal substances shall be brought into or used in any part of The Union Jack Club.

19. Smoking/ E Cigarettes. Smoking and use of E cigarettes in the Union Jack Club is prohibited except in designated smoking areas.

20. Children. Children under 18 must always be accompanied by an adult in all licensed areas. Children under ten shall not use lifts except when accompanied by an adult.

21. Animals. The Club will offer a number of pet-friendly rooms with priority given to assistance animals. A room cleaning surcharge will be applied to rooms with pets; a maximum of two pets per room will be permitted. Pets may transit through the public areas but are not allowed in the bar or restaurant. Pets must be under control at all times.

22. Mobile Phones. Intrusive mobile phone / video calls are not to take place in the library or restaurant. Consideration of other members is requested in all other locations.

23. Computers. No illegal or improper use shall be made of The Union Jack Club's computers and Wi-Fi.

24. Library. Members wishing to borrow books from The Union Jack Club's Library should enquire at the Reception Desk.

25. Laundry and Cleaning. The coin-operated launderette which provides facilities for washing, drying, and ironing clothes is available to members and is situated next to the Gascoigne Room.

26. Car Parking/ Bike storage. Car parking is available at the current rate for Members when staying in The Union Jack Club by booking in advance, and THMs 24 hours prior to arrival, for occupation on the first day of booking, after 1500hrs and to by 1200hrs on the day of departure. Parking spaces also include 3 x fully accessible bays which are designated for use by wheelchair users only. Car parking is free for blue leave [?} badge holders. The Union Jack Club does not accept any responsibility or liability for any damage to or loss of vehicles while parked in the garage.

27. Security. Members shall comply with such security provisions as the Chief Executive shall reasonably prescribe. In the interests of general security members must not leave any items unattended in any areas of The Union Jack Club.

28. Evacuation. Upon hearing a continuous alarm, members and their guests shall immediately evacuate The Union Jack Club and shall follow instructions from Club staff. The fire alarm is tested at 11.00am every Friday.

29. Formal Complaints and Suggestions. Any formal complaints or suggestions, not made as general feedback, should be submitted to the Chief Executive. Complaints should be raised as soon as possible to the Duty Manager.

30. Guest Charging Rates. When a member has guest(s) (up to four) staying with them in The Union Jack Club, any immediate family (parents, siblings, and children) will incur room charges applicable to members and all other guests will incur room charges applicable to THMs.

31. Lock downs. The Union Jack Club reserves the right to lockdown where access or egress to and from the premises may be denied.

32. Government Restrictions. The Union Jack Club will follow Government restrictions to govern usage when required either nationally or locally.